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The first NFT Magazine to be read and collected on Ethereum

Collect the NFT Covers created by the greatest international Crypto Artists like HACKATAO, COLDIE, REFIK ANADOL, DANGIUZ, ANTONI TUDISCO, SEERLIGHT, TOOMUCHLAG and SKYGOLPE.

With the NFT you can enter the exclusive “Readers Club” to read the Magazine and choose the content of the next Issues and get more benefits.

Discover the biggest players in the Crypto world, market trends, rankings, interviews and expert advice.

Collect the NFT Covers created by the greatest international Crypto Artists like HACKATAO, COLDIE, REFIK ANADOL, DANGIUZ, ANTONI TUDISCO and SKYGOLPE.

With the NFT you can enter the exclusive “Readers Club” to read the Magazine and choose the content of the next Issues and get more benefits.

cover by VEXX

Subscribe to our discord and newsletter to get into the presale OF THE NEXT ISSUE!

    if you Collect The NFT Magazine every month you can...

    To support our Readers, we’ve created a secure and guaranteed system here on our website for official DROP to avoid the gas fee war with Bundles, Credit Card payments, and NFT Airdrop directly in your wallet!

    READERS CLUB holderS

    Every 28th of the Month
    at 6 pm (CET) for 48 hours

    The 30% of  the editions of Every Issue are reserved ONLY for The NFT Magazine HOLDERS in the
     READERS CLUB area
    max 5 per wallet,
    with 50$ fixed gas fee and bundles.

    Whitelist PRESALE

    Every 28th of the Month
    at 6 pm (CET) for 48 hours

    20% of  the edition , max 3 per wallet, are reserved for our Newsletter and Discord Subscribers and CRYPPO holders
    with 80$ fixed gas fee.

    You will be able to buy your NFT ONLY here.

    Subscribe here to get into the whitelist


      From 2nd of every month
      at 6 pm (CET) for 1 week

      On the official account on OpenSea
      at 0,05 ETH + gas fee.

      A Limited Bundle of  1/5 NFTs 
      with 100$ fixed gas fee
      will be available only here.